It is an exciting week in Kindergarten! We will be going on a field trip Wednesday afternoon to see The Little Mermaid. Some of our Kindergarten friends will be in the play. We cannot wait to see them!
On Thursday, we welcome next year's Kindergarten class during Kindergarten Round Up. We will be busy cleaning our room and getting ready for our special visitors. It is hard to believe that is has been a whole year since I met your children at Kindergarten Round Up. I will be so sad to see this year end. Your children have grown and learned so much! They are a GREAT bunch of children!
Have a good week!
Jami Burris
February 18, 2013
What a busy week! In three days, we celebrated Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras, and Ash Wednesday. We had our Valentine’s Day party on Thursday afternoon. The children had a wonderful time sharing valentine’s, eating treats, and playing with their love bug shooters! Thanks for all the goodies and supplies for our party!
This week, we will begin working on a Stations of the Cross booklet and will attend Stations of the Cross on Friday.
Miss Illinois, Megan Ervin, visited our school recently. She spoke to the children about healthy habits and making good choices. The children enjoyed her visit, especially doing Zumba.
In our reading lessons, we have been practicing long a words. We learned that long a can be made with ’ay’, ’ai’, or silent e at the end of the word. It is a hard concept but they are doing GREAT! We have added sight words “too”, “two” and “was” to our reading vocabulary. In Math, we learned how to read and record tally marks and picture graphs.
Have a GREAT week!
Jami Burris
February 11, 2013
It is a busy week in Kindergarten! We learned about the tradition of Fat Tuesday and Mardi Gras today. The children are very excited. We also started to learn about the Lenten season.
In our phonics lessons this week, we started long vowel sounds. We have been learning about silent e and what happens when two vowels are together in a word. Our new sight words are "two", "too", and "was".
In math, we have completed chapter 5 and will start chapter 6 on Tuesday. We will learn how to record and interpret tally marks and graphs. We will also continue to practice telling time and addition.
We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Thursday. Children will pass out their cards at our party. If you would like to send something, please let me know.
Have a GREAT week!!
Jami Burris
October 4, 2012
It has been an exciting day in Kindergarten. Today many of God's creatures were gathered on the playground for the annual Blessing of the Pets. Here are some pictures from this morning.

Fr. Ken prays over the animals.
Rayce and Libby!
September 20, 2012
No school tomorrow!! I will be attending our festival this weekend and hope to see you all there! Our open house will be from 5-7 on Friday. The children are all excited to show off their room, work, and art projects!
Next week we will be learning all about apples. We will read many apple books and even make apple butter. Johnny Appleseed is a favorite among Kindergarteners, so look for your child to tell you all about Johnny Appleseed:)
The students have been doing well in reading and now know 9 sight words! They will be readers in no time! We enjoy each one of them! Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Burris
August 27, 2012
This week we have a shortened schedule on Friday. School will dismiss at 11:00. Children who are going to extended care can bring a lunch from home. There will also be no school on MOnday in observance of Labor Day. Have a safe and wonderful weekend:)
We will be focusing on letters T, I, C, and N. We will also be learning memory word "can". Children are reading I , Can, and Am now! They are going to write a few simple sentences to reinforce these words.
We are also going to finish up numbers 7, 8, 9, and 0. Our new Math series should be in very soon!
We are learning about the second day of God's creation in Religion. On the sencond day God created the clouds and sky.
Thanks for the gym shoes and the snacks! We are having a great time in Kindergarten!
Mrs. Burris
August 22, 2012
Kindergarten is off to a great start! The students are eager to learn and are having a good time with their new friends. This week, we have focused on letter and sound recognition of M, A, S, and P. By the end of the week, we will be putting these sounds together to read words. We have also learned sight words I and am. These are the first of many sight words we will learn this year. In math, we have been practicing our numbers and learning how to graph. Our religion lessons have been focused on the story of Creation. We learned that on the first day God said "Let there be light!".
We have also had a chance to sing with Mrs. Wayer and exercise with Mr. Gordon. The class enjoyed these classes a lot!
Parent Orientation is scheduled for Wednesday, August 22nd. It is a great chance to learn information about our school and the upcoming school year. Hope to see you there!
Have a good week!
Jami Burris
August 15, 2012
Welcome to the 2012-2013 school year! This is an important milestone for you and your child. We will have lots of fun growing and learning together. We will open the year with lessons with Chester the Raccoon, Pete the Cat, Franklin, a little mouse named Wemberly, and many other friends. They will help us settle into the busy routine of Kindergarten. It is going to be an exciting year for us!
Mrs. Burris