7th grade Reading has begun the all-time favorite novel "The Outsiders" and so far, they love it! It is always great to see students engaged in and excited about reading. They also enjoyed "The Giver," which I hear is being made into a major motion picture this spring. I see a field trip in our future! :)
Ms. Kim Camarato's Happenings
This year is flying by at an incredible speed! The 8th Graders are already excited about their class trip in May, and they are also looking forward to being confirmed in April. On March 22, they will be taking part in a Confirmation Retreat at Camp Ondessonk with Mrs. Smillie. They have been fantastic this year about serving the needs of our school; they are always willing to help out, no matter what is asked of them. I am very proud of them!
7th grade Reading has begun the all-time favorite novel "The Outsiders" and so far, they love it! It is always great to see students engaged in and excited about reading. They also enjoyed "The Giver," which I hear is being made into a major motion picture this spring. I see a field trip in our future! :)
7th grade Reading has begun the all-time favorite novel "The Outsiders" and so far, they love it! It is always great to see students engaged in and excited about reading. They also enjoyed "The Giver," which I hear is being made into a major motion picture this spring. I see a field trip in our future! :)