WELCOME to Kindergarten! I am so excited to begin the new school year. We will begin our year with Chester the Raccoon, and many other friends that will help us on our journey through Kindergarten! Check out Pete the Cat, a little mouse named Wemberly, and Franklin, our favorite turtle! We look forward to learning and growing together!
Mrs. Gosha
August 22, 2012
The first week of school has flown by! I have enjoyed meeting all of my new students and their families! We have been very busy settling into our new routine. We have already learned the sight words I and am. I am very proud of the progress the students have made in such a short time! I am Looking forward to a successful year!
Tonight is orientation for our families. This will be a good opportunity for you to get all of the information you will need for the current school year! Hope to see you there:)
Mrs. Gosha
August 27, 2012
This week we have a shortened schedule on Friday. School will dismiss at 11:00. Children who are going to extended care can bring a lunch from home. There will also be no school on MOnday in observance of Labor Day. Have a safe and wonderful weekend:)
We will be focusing on letters T, I, C, and N. We will also be learning memory word "can". Children are reading I , Can, and Am now! They are going to write a few simple sentences to reinforce these words.
We are also going to finish up numbers 7, 8, 9, and 0. Our new Math series should be in very soon!
We are learning about the second day of God's creation in Religion. On the sencond day God created the clouds and sky.
Thanks for the gym shoes and the snacks! We are having a great time in Kindergarten!
Mrs. Gosha
September 20, 2012
No school tomorrow!! I will be attending our festival this weekend and hope to see you all there! Our open house will be from 5-7 on Friday. The children are all excited to show off their room, work, and art projects!
Next week we will be learning all about apples. We will read many apple books and even make apple butter. Johnny Appleseed is a favorite among Kindergarteners, so look for your child to tell you all about Johnny Appleseed:)
The students have been doing well in reading and now know 9 sight words! They will be readers in no time! We enjoy each one of them! Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Gosha
October 4th, 2012
Happy Thursday!!! Apple week was a blast last week, and we had alot of neat math and reading lessons to go along with it!
These are pictures of the kids working on their Ten Apples Up On Top Project:)
We also got to taste test and graph our favorite apples!!
Next week we will be doing writing , science, and much more with our scarecrow unit! More pis to come! Have a wonderful holiday weekend!
Mrs. Gosha
October 12, 2012
This week has been so busy with our scarecrow unit! The kids loved it, and we did a lot of work! We made scarecrow books, counted syllables, wrote CVC words, and much, much more! Here are some pictures of the things we did. Enjoy!
Carter and Logan counting syllables.
Here the children are putting black beans on the scarecrow for each syllable they hear in a word. The black beans are "crows" on their scarecrow.
This is our science lesson on living and non living things. After we completed this lesson together, it was reinforced during center time! I loved this!