Mrs. Linda Rains' Happenings

Weekly Preview
6 May – 10 May

Read: Make your Own Pay Dough
 Math:   practice page 109/110 due 5/8

The children will have various reading books throughout the week

Practice page 109/110 due
Practice page 111/112 homework due5/10
The children will have various reading books throughout the week

Please read - The children will have various reading books throughout the week

Math  homework p. 111/112
End of the year birthday party
Making butterfly wings

In Christ,
Mrs. Rains

The children had a great time Friday at our AR pizza party!!!!!!  First grade wants to extend a big ThankYou to Mrs. Hampson for all her help!!!!

We would also like to Thank Mrs. Abba for being our librarian all year and helping out with reading groups!!!!!!

Weekly Preview 15 April – 19 April


15 April

*Reading Group (Owls) A Friend for Little Bear

Homework: (pink sheet) page 213/214 due Friday

*Reading Group (Eagles) Story: Franny and Ginny/ Daddy, Could I have an Elephant?

Homework: (white sheet) page 15/16 due Friday

*Reading Group (Cardinals) Story: Camouflage: the children will read for tonight the Introduction,  Chapter (1)Blending or Concealing coloration, Chapter (2) Seasonal Blending, Chapter (3) Color Change

Homework: Write definitions from the glossary in back of their box.  This work is due Wednesday.  On Wednesday, another list of homework words will be sent home and are due Friday.

Each child will also have an AR book to read for the week and then tested on the book on Friday.  We will read this book in class unless a child has asked to bring his/her book home to read.

Spelling words and vocabulary words will be sent home the first day of the week with their new weekly story.

Math practice homework 93 / 94 due 17 April


16 April:

Please read weekly story; study reading vocabulary and spelling words

Cardinals read Camouflage : p13- 19


17 April:

Owls/ eagles – Read! Read your story

Cardinals read Camouflage: p. 20-25

Math homework 95/96 sent home

Science chap 9 test ( Matter)

Math practice homework p. 93 /94 due.


18 April:

Owls/ eagles – Read! Read your story

Please practice reading, reading, and reading!!!

Cardinals finish the book Camouflage


19 April:

Reading homework due for all three groups.

OWLS: spelling test- Reading skills test for all three groups over their weekly stories

EAGLES: spelling test- Reading skills test for all three groups over their weekly stories

CARDINALS: spelling test- Reading skills test for all three groups over their weekly stories

 Math homework due 95/96 due

The children will continue learning phonics rules: blends, Digraphs, vowel digraphs, diphthongs short and long vowels and r-controlled vowels.  


* snacks are needed!!!!!!

We will have a butterfly test coming up soon!

In Christ,

Mrs. Rains

Weekly Preview

25 Feb – 1 March

25 Feb: 

*Reading Group (Owls) Story: Seven Sillies

Coupon book: In Space

Homework: (pink sheet) page 160/171

*Reading Group (Eagles) Story: New Shoes for Silvia

 Coupon book: In Space

Homework: (pink sheet) page 219/221

*Reading Group (Cardinals) Story: EyeSpy/Seeing

 Coupon Book: In Space

Homework: (white sheet) page 101/102

Each child will also have an AR book to read for the week and can take a test on the book Friday.  We will read this book in class unless a child asked to bring his/her book home to read.

Reading homework (pink) sent home

 Math Homework – practice page 75/76 - due 27 Wednesday


26 Feb:

Read weekly story; study reading and spelling vocabulary.


27 Feb:

Math homework p. 75/76 due

Math homework p. 77/78 due 1 March

Read weekly story; study reading and spelling vocabulary.

Reading skill tests administered


28 Feb:

Science Quiz


1 March:

Math homework p77/78 due

OWLS: spelling test

reading test on : In space

EAGLES: spelling test

 reading test on : In space

CARDINALS: spelling test

 reading test on : In space

Shurley test

Please practice reading with you child.  Reading practice is a

 very important part of reading fluency!!!!

The children will continue learning phonics rules: blends, Digraphs, vowel digraphs, diphthongs short and long vowels and r-controlled vowels.     

Shurley:  First grade will be learning about synonyms and antonyms

*March 1st is national pig day – we celebrate by making pig cookies, and learning and doing some piggy things!

* March  1st - Also in honor of Dr. Seuss birthday we will have a Dr. Seuss read- a –thon with Dr. Seuss Books.  Children may bring their Dr. Seuss books from home and parents may join us a well for the read-a-thon. The read-a-thon will begin 2:15p.m. and last until 2:45p.m.  Hope to see you at our read-a-thon!

In Christ,

Mrs. Rains


Please join our first grade class on 1 March for our Dr. Seuss read-a-thon.

We will begin at 2:15p.m. and read Dr. Seuss books until 2:45p.m.

Please join us!!!!!


A daily schedule will be sent home on September 5th .  This will be a helpful guide to our daily routine.

Linda Rains

The first grade did an awesome job on the completion of  their first reading skills test and spelling test! A big shout out from Mrs. Rains...Whoohooooo!


  First Grade Syllabus

The following are details about our first grade curriculum. I hope this will give you insight into your child’s first grade curriculum.

Reading: The children will have one story a week and their reader (basal) should accompany your child home each day for reading practice.  Vocabulary words, coupon book (paper copy) will be sent home with your child on Monday.  The coupon book is a phonetic story that goes along with our weekly story. The children should read the coupon book once each night after or before they read our weekly story.  Be sure to return your child’s reader each day for classroom use.  The coupon book should be returned along with the coupons (coupons do not have to be cut apart) by Friday of each week. 

 The children will have one page of reading homework for the week.  This will be color coded (pink) for your convenience.  One side of the worksheet will denote story comprehension and the other side will denote our weekly phonetic exercise.  The children will receive this homework on Monday and will have until Friday to complete this work.

First grade will implement reading levels with spelling words.  However, we will have whole class instructions on the core reading elements.

The children will have a skill and strategy and a phonetic/comprehension test on Friday.  The first few tests will be a work together process until the children become acclimated to the reading test format.

Math:  First grade has a new math curriculum entitled: Progress in Mathematics. I will more information on this subject as materials are available.

Spelling:  The children’s spelling curriculum corresponds with their weekly reading story.  The children’s weekly spelling words are their weekly reading vocabulary.  The children have a total of ten words: six words are phonics words and four challenge words which are vocabulary from our weekly story.  I will send the full list of words home.  However, the children will be required to learn only the first six words.  For those students who elect to do more, they can complete the additional four words on test day.   For those children who elect to learn and correctly spell all ten words on test day, they will receive their 100% plus a sticker.  I will attach to the children’s spelling list a piece of primary paper for at home practice (mock test)

Shurley:  Over the course of the last several years, the Shurley method has made an enormous improvement in O.L.M.C. ‘s  language curriculum.  The children get very excited about their Shurley time.  Because of the extensive classroom work, the children do not have individual homework.  If your child needs help with an assignment or extra support in Shurley we will have to make arrangements for a private tutoring lesson.

Religion:  This year first grade has a new religion curriculum called Pflaum gospel weeklies. This curriculum follows the churches’ liturgical season. I am also going to integrate with a curriculum called 5 minute sermons for children. This curriculum is a gospel reading and an activity. The children will not have weekly tests.

Science: The children will have experiments on each unit covered. They will also complete quizzes and complete chapter tests in science.  A study guide will be sent home for a quick review.  Please do not stress your child out by making them memorize the study guide. Remember the children will have a review session prior to test day.

Social Studies:  This year the first grade will integrate our social studies curriculum into center time. Grades will denote (E, G, S, U) on the children’s grade card.  

Handwriting:  This curriculum is completed in the classroom. Grades will denote (E, G, S, U) on the children’s grade card
Art:  Most of our art projects relate to our first grade academic curriculum. For example: if our weekly Reading story is about (masks) we will make a mask during our Art time.  If our science unit pertains to space we may make rockets during Art time, etc.  If your child is absent during art time, I will send the lesson home for completion.  Your child does not need to return this work.  No homework is required of your child in this subject.

CentersCreative writing, Social Studies and Computers will be a weekly interactive part of center time. Children may receive grades for work completed during center time, which may be averaged into a final grade.  We will not begin centers until 3:00 dismal after Labor Day.

Study Guides: Study guides will be provided prior to a science test.  The best way to study for reading tests is to save reading/spelling classroom worksheets (wt) competed throughout the week.   You may want to check your child’s folder each night and review daily classroom work.  Sometimes the children may not finish their classroom work and/or may misunderstand questions or format.  Reviewing work and format and self-correcting will be helpful to your child.  

(WT): The children label all work completed in the classroom with a WT (work

 If your child is absent for the day/week, I will prepare classroom work and homework for your child.  It is your responsibility to see that your child receives it and completes this work.

          Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School
                    Mrs. Linda Rains
                        1st Grade
                  August 15, 2012-2013

Dear Parents,
First Grade will bring new responsibilities for your child and I am sure you will have many questions.  I hope this note will answer some of your questions.
I am looking forward to working with you and your child during the upcoming school year.  If at any time you would like to discuss the progress of your child, please feel free to call me at (942-4484) after 3:00 P.M.  I arrive at school by 7:45 A.M. and stay until 3:30 P.M.  I will be happy to talk with you on the phone or to make arrangements to meet in person.   
There are several events during the school year in which I would greatly appreciate your help.  Assistance is needed regarding the children's parties and providing chaperons for field trips.  If any parents are interested in coordinating parties and/or chaperoning field trips, please let me know as soon as possible.

In Christ,
Mrs. Linda Rains

Newsy Note

1.   TOYS – Toys and Small trinkets can easily find their way to school. Occasionally check backpack for those distracting little gadgets that can have an effect on the learning process.

2.   BEHAVIOR - My classroom discipline policy is based on an "assertive discipline plan."   This plan is identified for your benefit by two visual charts posted in the classroom. One chart lists alphabetically the names of each child down the side.  The top of the chart has each day of the week and numbers listed to correspond with the classroom rules.  The other chart identifies the rules, consequences and rewards. 
                    Consequence for Checks
1 check  – warning
2 checks – lose 5 minutes of morning recess - sad face sent home
3 checks – lose 10 minutes of morning recess - sad face sent home
4 checks - lose morning recess - a sad face sent home
5 checks – lose recess for the day, see principal and a sad face is sent home.
This behavior process will change after the first of the year eliminating the warning check.

If a child receives no checks for the day, prior to dismissal, your child will be rewarded with one of the following: a sticker to decorate their folders, smiley face slip, or a stamp on back of their hand. If a child receives no checks for the week they will be rewarded with their choice of choosing from the treasure chest or a sweet treat. This will allow you to keep track of your child’s daily behavior in the classroom.  Children can also be rewarded with stars or certificates for exceptional kind behavior to classmates, teachers’, etc.  They may also earn certificates or stars for academic excellence. If a child receives no checks and five stars or certificate for the week they get two picks from either the treasure box or the treat box.  
3.   BIRTHDAY and TREATS - We will celebrate a birthday in the classroom after lunch recess; a simple treat without drinks is best.  Send a note a few days in advance and I will let you know how many treats are needed.

4.   PARTY INVITATIONS - Must send enough for everyone in the class or enough for the same gender.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.      <!--[endif]-->ALWAYS SEND A NOTE - For any change in your child's routine, please send a written notice.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->6.      <!--[endif]-->WORK FOLDERS - School work is sent home daily.  Please check your child's folders for homework, notes from school and returned work.  Notes regarding problem areas will be written on their papers.  If a page or paper is returned with an "R" or a "REDO" this page or paper must be returned the next day.  A paper that is marked and returned with a “study” or “practice” refers to at home review and does not need to be returned.  Always look for notes that are marked “study for test” on study guides, review or practice worksheets. This information will always be available on teacherease; however, a written reminder will be sent as well.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->7.      <!--[endif]-->MASS - We will attend Mass Thursdays and Fridays.  First grade will not be responsible for Mass until after the first of the year.  I send notices home if your child has a role in the Mass. As your child assumes mass roles, sitting with our class can distract your child from his/her responsibilities. It is in the best interest of the children if parents refrain from sitting with the class. Please feel free to join us for mass; use the side isles for pictures.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->8.      <!--[endif]-->RECESS - Recess for grades Kindergarten – 2nd grade is from 9:45 - 10:00 A.M. Lunch break and recess is from 11:05 - 11:50 A.M.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->9.      <!--[endif]-->DRESS CODE – Please comply with the dress code policy (see school handbook for more information regarding the dress code).

<!--[if !supportLists]-->10.    <!--[endif]-->MONEY - Please send any money in an envelope.  Mark the outside of the envelope with name of child/teacher and the purpose.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->11.    <!--[endif]-->INFORMATION - Information regarding classroom work and activities will disseminated through teacherease and sent to you via email every Monday or at the beginning of each school week.  If there is any additional information that arises during the week that does not appear in my teacherease note, I will try to update you with this information as soon as possible.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->12.    <!--[endif]-->GRADES – Graded and recorded work is inscribed on your child’s paper as a percentage and a letter grade.   Handwriting, Religion, and Social Studies grades are inscribed as (G) Good, (S) satisfactory, N) needs improvement, or (U) unsatisfactory. Work that is marked with a star, a stamp, or a sticker is not a recorded grade. Homework is averaged into a final grade. 
<!--[if !supportLists]-->13.    <!--[endif]-->SNACKS – several times during the week we have snacks.     Parents may donate cookies; rice crispy treats, crackers or any other snacks of this kind.  Please do not send candy!

<!--[if !supportLists]-->14.    <!--[endif]-->MATH – First grade will have a new math curriculum this year entitled Progress in Mathematics published by Sadlier- Oxford. We will have workbooks and homework activity.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->15.    <!--[endif]-->RESTROOM/DRINK BREAKS- The children receive restroom and drink breaks four times a day: 8:10 am- 8:40 am, after recess at 10:00am – 10:10am, after lunch 11:50am- 12:10pm and during an afternoon snack break between the time of 1:30pm- 2:00pm. If there is a need for an emergency the children are told to simply go as needed.        


Dear Parents:
Welcome to the first week of first Grade!  I must tell you how wonderful and beautiful your children are.   I have enjoyed all of their personalities and I am looking forward to a wonderful and exciting year.
This year as always the focus will continue to be reading and all the elements of reading associated with the first grade curriculum.  We will also focus on creative writing, phonic/Haggerty, Shurley English, science, social studies and religion.  Center time is a creative environment that reinforces learning for a variety of subject matter already experienced in the classroom.  Parent participation in center time would be greatly appreciated.  
The children will have homework throughout the week in reading, spelling and math.  Their reading and spelling tests will usually be administered on Friday.  Occasionally the children will have to prepare a project that coincides with a thematic unit or lesson.  A study guide will be sent home before each science test to help with the test taking process. This year the children will not be taking religion or social studies tests.  Please do not stress with test taking, I will guide your child through this process.
 Any classroom worksheets the children complete with me will be denoted with a (WT) (work together) in upper/lower corner of the worksheet.  This lets you know it is not homework and that it has been completed together in class through a guided instruction.  You may want to review this work with your child.
Parent/teacher communication will be provided through the Teacherease web site at the beginning of each week as a preview to our classroom routine.   I would appreciate parents sending their email addresses to or you can provide the office with this information.  The children will have their blue folder marked (take-home) for homework, graded work that I return, and notes and mail exchange.  The red folder will stay at school for classroom work. 
I do allow a small snack and break in the afternoon.  This provides the children with a comfort level as they move from Kindergarten into first grade.  Any help with snacks for the children would be greatly appreciated: rice crispy treats, crackers, cookies or any fruit snacks.
I will send a note on behavior expectations and classroom management at the beginning of next week. I will also address this issue as well as others at parent teacher orientation.   
I will strive to make everyday a fun and enriching process for your children.  I look forward to a wonderful year.
In Christ,
Mrs. Rains

August 15, 2012

Dear Parents:

Hello, my name is Linda Rains.  I am pleased to have this opportunity to introduce myself to you.  I am a graduate of Southern Illinois University Carbondale and a published poet. I have taught as an educator in the school sector for over twenty years.  I am married to John Rains, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Pepsi-Midamerica.  I am proud to say, I have three well educated children: Adam is a Lieutenant Commander in  the United States Navy, DeAnna is an executive for a Canadian Oil Company and Andrew is a manager for Walgreens Distribution Center. My pride and joy is my seven beautiful grandchildren.
I have taught first grade at OLMC for 17 years and I look forward to a productive and fun filled year of academic accomplishments with your child.  I will strive to make everyday a fun and enriching process for them.  Please know that I will always make time available to address any concerns that you may have throughout the year. Welcome to first grade!

In Christ,

Linda Rains