Mrs. Maureen Curran's Happenings

6th Grade Science - 6th graders are studying nutrition and are recording everything they eat over a two day period.  Student groups have presented information about each of the food groups and students are learning about nutrients in foods and the benefits of the nutrients.  Students are learning about how to make healthy choices in food and activities.

7th Grade Science -  Students will be choosing a topic for Science Fair by October 12.  Next they will begin to do research on their chosen topics.  The first part of the Science Fair project will be the Review of  Literature which will be completed primarily in Language class.

Hello!  The sixth graders have gotten off to a great start and most know their schedules by heart!  In 6th and 7th grade Science classes students have been exploring the Scientific Method.  I also teach Social Studies and Math to some of the 6th graders.  We are looking forward to a great year! 

7th grade make observations about a simple chemical reaction.

6th Grade students make scientific observations about pill bugs.