Ms. Jenny Martin's Happenings

April 22, 2013

22---Spirit Day
23---Honor's Banquet
24---Board Meeting
25---Mid-quarters go home
26---Kindergarten screening
29---Sport's Banquet

Click on the picture....

Reading Strategies

    Phonics/Decoding – Good readers are able to figure out new and unknown words.   There are several ways that a reader can decode these words.  First, they cover part of the word to help them to see the base word.  They look for words that belong to the same word family that they already know.  Good readers have many of the sight words memorized.  They do not have to sound out these words. Here is how to use this strategy.

Look at the word carefully.
Look for parts of the word that you know.
Think about the sounds of the letters in the parts of the word you do not know.
Blend the sounds to read the word.
Ask yourself:  
          Is this a word I know?  
          Does it make sense with what I am reading?
Read the entire sentence again with the word.  
          Ask yourself if that makes sense?


Monday---worksheet  lesson 54
Tuesday---pg.  388  1-31
Wednesday---pg.  390  1-31
Thursday---workbook pg. 144
Friday---workbook pg. 145

Study Skills-----

They are still working on organization and how to come prepared for class.
We are also working on building study guides.  Many of my students have tests this week.

One on one classes (Pre-K through 8)

These classes are structured to meet the needs of the individual students.  The needs of the students dictate what takes place in my classroom.  Some students need to work on their reading skills.  Some need to work on comprehension skills such as inferences while others may need more help on understanding cause and effect.  Some students need help on their writing skills.  Some students may need additional assistance in their math.

 These one on one classes are designed to give the student what they need in an environment with one on one attention and less distractions.  If you ever have any questions about what I am working on with your child or what additional attention they need to be all they can be, never hesitate to ask.  We are all striving toward the same goal, giving our children the tools that they will need to be successful.

The students I have for reading, we are using SRA Decoding to help them build their decoding and comprehension skills.  The students that need assistance one on one for math are receiving help with building their math fact knowledge and applying concepts that were taught in math class with one on one attention.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at 618-942-4484 or my email address is

April 7, 2013

Click Here!!!!
Reading Strategies

Inference: Good readers use clues from the story as well as their own knowledge to make an inference or an educated guess.  Inference is similar to prediction.  However, they are not the same.  Prediction focuses on what will happen next.  An inference is when you make an educated guess as to why something may have happened.  Unlike prediction, you may or may not find out whether or not your educated guess was right.  You may never know why something happened in the story.  This strategy is a valuable tool in reading comprehension.  It requires higher order thinking which good readers are able to do easily.  Here are some ways to use inference.
  •  Take the time to stop and ask questions while reading.  
  •  You can stop to ask yourself what is the character's motivation and/or feelings.  What is the author's purpose, why did the author do that, etc.

Parents can help develop this skill with their children by asking them a few questions about the story.
  • What will happen next and why?  
  • What is happening to make you think that?
  • How do you think that character feels?  Why?
  • Why did the author write this story?


Monday-----pg. 314-315      1-29
Tuesday-----workbook pg. 116
Wednesday-pg. 320    1-31
Thursday----pg. 322    1-23
Friday-------Chapter 9 Test

Study Skills-----

They are still working on organization and how to come prepared for class.
We are also working on building study guides.  Many of my students have tests this week.

One on one classes (Pre-K through 8)

These classes are structured to meet the needs of the individual students.  The needs of the students dictate what takes place in my classroom.  Some students need to work on their reading skills.  Some need to work on comprehension skills such as inferences while others may need more help on understanding cause and effect.  Some students need help on their writing skills.  Some students may need additional assistance in their math.

 These one on one classes are designed to give the student what they need in an environment with one on one attention and less distractions.  If you ever have any questions about what I am working on with your child or what additional attention they need to be all they can be, never hesitate to ask.  We are all striving toward the same goal, giving our children the tools that they will need to be successful.

The students I have for reading, we are using SRA Decoding to help them build their decoding and comprehension skills.  The students that need assistance one on one for math are receiving help with building their math fact knowledge and applying concepts that were taught in math class with one on one attention.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at 618-942-4484 or my email address is

March 25, 2013

There isn't a person anywhere who isn't capable of doing more than he thinks he can. Henry Ford


24--Palm Sunday
27th--11am dismissal
28th--Holy school
29th--Good school
30th--Holy Saturday

Reading Strategies

Prediction: Good readers try to figure out what is going to happen next in the story.  This is called prediction.  Stronger readers will make multiple predictions about a text not only before they read but while they read.  They are not afraid to be proven wrong or even better to be right when making their predictions.  Readers comprehend better when they make connections such as being able to visualize the story.  To do this, they need to make a habit of making many predictions.  Use this strategy before and during reading to help make predictions about what is going to happen next.  Here is how to use the predict strategy:
  •  Think about the title of the story, illustrations, cover, and what you have read so far. 
  • Tell several things that may happen next.   Do not be afraid to take a risk. 
  • Try to find any clues the author may have left.  
   To promote prediction, ask your children questions such as
After the child looks at the title and the cover ask what do you think the story will be about?
What is going to happen and what makes you think that?
What clues helped you make that choice?
Why do you think that is going to happen?
How did you know that?
Does it remind you of anything?


Monday-----Chapter 9-7, 9-8 pgs. 309 & 311, 1-23 & 1-20
Tuesday-----Chapter 9-9 pg. 313, 1-22
Wednesday-No Math
Thursday----No School
Friday-------No School

Study Skills-----

They are still working on organization.  They are also continuing to work on prioritizing their homework.  Most of them will know what is due and when it is due on the first day of the week.  Then they prioritize and do the the tasks with due dates that come first.  Then, if a student stays on top of the tasks, they may be working on Tuesday, something that isn't due till Friday because they prioritized their work.

One on one classes (Pre-K through 8)

These classes are structured to meet the needs of the individual students.  The needs of the students dictate what takes place in my classroom.  Some students need to work on their reading skills.  Some need to work on comprehension skills such as inferences while others may need more help on understanding cause and effect.  Some students need help on their writing skills.  Some students may need additional assistance in their math.

 These one on one classes are designed to give the student what they need in an environment with one on one attention and less distractions.  If you ever have any questions about what I am working on with your child or what additional attention they need to be all they can be, never hesitate to ask.  We are all striving toward the same goal, giving our children the tools that they will need to be successful.

The students I have for reading, we are using SRA Decoding to help them build their decoding and comprehension skills.  The students that need assistance one on one for math are receiving help with building their math fact knowledge and applying concepts that were taught in math class with one on one attention.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at 618-942-4484 or my email address is

March 18, 2013

Be happy, you woke up today!

Click on the picture.


18-school committee mtg.
19-school board mtg.
20-market day pick up
21-kindergarten roundup
22-Stations of the Cross
24-Palm Sunday


Another suggestion, if you have internet access for a home computer and a microphone,  you can download digital storytelling software for FREE at

I used it with a few groups last year and they LOVED it.  We read a story and for comprehension they had to retell the story in their own words.  The made the illustrations and wrote out what they were going to say.  They read it into a microphone and then when the project was done.  We watched and sent  it to their teachers through the internet.  The kids had a great time.  We covered a variety of strategies such as cause and effect, inference, sequencing, and more.


Monday-----Chapter 9-3 pg. 301, 1-38
Tuesday-----Chapter 9-4 pg. 305, 1-33
Wednesday-Chapter 9-6 pg. 306-307, 1-59
Thursday----Chapter 9-7, 9-8 pgs. 309 & 311, 1-23 & 1-20
Friday-------Chapter 9-9 pg. 313, 1-22

Study Skills-----

This suggestion is pretty good so I am offering it again.

Here's a suggestion that many of you may already do, check in with your child/children.  Don't ask them how school was because most of the time the answer is "fine."  Do a high/low check.  Ask them, "What was the best part of your day?"  After they answer, then, ask them to tell you why and don't settle for, "it just was," or "I don't know."  This is a way to learn about the way your child/children think, how they feel, about their friends, teachers, the staff or so many other things.  Once your satisfied that they told you why that was the best part of the day, turn it around and ask them what was a low point of the day.  I would stay away from the terms "bad", "worse", etc.  Once again, ask them why it was.

One on one classes (Pre-K through 8)

These classes are structured to meet the needs of the individual students.  The needs of the students dictate what takes place in my classroom.  Some students need to work on their reading skills.  Some need to work on comprehension skills such as inferences while others may need more help on understanding cause and effect.  Some students need help on their writing skills.  Some students may need additional assistance in their math.

 These one on one classes are designed to give the student what they need in an environment with one on one attention and less distractions.  If you ever have any questions about what I am working on with your child or what additional attention they need to be all they can be, never hesitate to ask.  We are all striving toward the same goal, giving our children the tools that they will need to be successful.

The students I have for reading, we are using SRA Decoding to help them build their decoding and comprehension skills.  The students that need assistance one on one for math are receiving help with building their math fact knowledge and applying concepts that were taught in math class with one on one attention.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at 618-942-4484 or my email address is

March 11, 2013

Have a wonderful spring break!!!!!!

March 4, 2013

If only we all treated each other like this.  Click on the picture....


4th-2pm out game at St. John' dress day
7th-report cards go fair
8th-Stations of the Cross
10th-daylight savings time begins (move your clocks ahead one hour)
11th-15th spring break
17th-Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!!!!


Here's a suggestion on how to help your child/children with inference.  Inference is a difficult comprehension strategy.  The material didn't say that but the reader knows it because it is infered.  When reading or even just telling a story ask probing questions like, "Think about what you read/heard, why do you think they did that?  If that were you, why would you have done that?"


Monday-----Cummulative Review pgs. 293-294
Tuesday-----Chapter 9-1 pg. 296, 1-31
Wednesday-Chapter 9-2 pg. 299, 1-33
Thursday----Chapter 9-3 pg. 301, 1-38
Friday-------Chapter 9-5 pg. 305, 1-33

Study Skills-----

This suggestion is pretty good so I am offering it again.

Here's a suggestion that many of you may already do, check in with your child/children.  Don't ask them how school was because most of the time the answer is "fine."  Do a high/low check.  Ask them, "What was the best part of your day?"  After they answer, then, ask them to tell you why and don't settle for, "it just was," or "I don't know."  This is a way to learn about the way your child/children think, how they feel, about their friends, teachers, the staff or so many other things.  Once your satisfied that they told you why that was the best part of the day, turn it around and ask them what was a low point of the day.  I would stay away from the terms "bad", "worse", etc.  Once again, ask them why it was.

One on one classes (Pre-K through 8)

These classes are structured to meet the needs of the individual students.  The needs of the students dictate what takes place in my classroom.  Some students need to work on their reading skills.  Some need to work on comprehension skills such as inferences while others may need more help on understanding cause and effect.  Some students need help on their writing skills.  Some students may need additional assistance in their math.

 These one on one classes are designed to give the student what they need in an environment with one on one attention and less distractions.  If you ever have any questions about what I am working on with your child or what additional attention they need to be all they can be, never hesitate to ask.  We are all striving toward the same goal, giving our children the tools that they will need to be successful.

The students I have for reading, we are using SRA Decoding to help them build their decoding and comprehension skills.  The students that need assistance one on one for math are receiving help with building their math fact knowledge and applying concepts that were taught in math class with one on one attention.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at 618-942-4484 or my email address is

February 25, 2013


25th-spring pictures
27th-scholar bowl
March 1st-quarter ends
March 2nd-Trivia Night @ 6:30 lower gym


AR is going pretty strong in most classes.  It is associated with independent reading time or free choice time. Small groups are focusing on the different reading strategies like inference, cause and effect, prediction, conflict, etc.

Here's a suggestion on how to help your child/children build their reading fluency.  As I have said before, there are some studies that suggest that reading fluency has a connection to comprehension.  The more fluent the reader, the better the opportunity to build comprehension.  We can help our children build their fluency by encouraging reading outside of school.  Reading anything will help such as recipes, directions for a game, cartoon strips, the back on a box of macaroni, the menu, etc.  When children read for fluency, it doesn't hurt to do comprehension checks.  Ask them about what they read.  If it was a recipe, ask them if they like the ingredients.  If they read a cartoon to strip, ask them to tell you about in their own words.  These activities are easy and don't require a lot of time.


Monday-----no homework
Tuesday-----pg. 468 (the whole page)
Wednesday-Review for Test
Thursday----Test on Chapter 8
Friday-------pg. 296-297

Study Skills-----

They are working on organization.  They are also continuing to work on prioritizing their homework.  Most of them will know what is due and when it is due on the first day of the week.  Then they prioritize and do the the tasks with due dates that come first.  Then, if a student stays on top of the tasks, they may be working on Tuesday, something that isn't due till Friday because they prioritized their work.

It's when a student falls behind that we see the frustration build and sometimes it can become disabling.  It can become so bad that the student is unable to focus on anything and therefore be unable to work on homework/projects.

Here's a suggestion that many of you may already do, check in with your child/children.  Don't ask them how school was because most of the time the answer is "fine."  Do a high/low check.  Ask them, "What was the best part of your day?"  After they answer, then, ask them to tell you why and don't settle for, "it just was," or "I don't know."  This is a way to learn about the way your child/children think, how they feel, about their friends, teachers, the staff or so many other things.  Once your satisfied that they told you why that was the best part of the day, turn it around and ask them what was a low point of the day.  I would stay away from the terms "bad", "worse", etc.  Once again, ask them why it was.

As many of you know, this type of exercise gives your child/children a way to tell about their day, it is a visible sign that you care and are invested in them and it gives you the opportunity to learn more about what is happening around your child/children.

One on one classes (Pre-K through 8)

These classes are structured to meet the needs of the individual students.  The needs of the students dictate what takes place in my classroom.  Some students need to work on their reading skills.  Some need to work on comprehension skills such as inferences while others may need more help on understanding cause and effect.  Some students need help on their writing skills.  Some students may need additional assistance in their math.

 These one on one classes are designed to give the student what they need in an environment with one on one attention and less distractions.  If you ever have any questions about what I am working on with your child or what additional attention they need to be all they can be, never hesitate to ask.  We are all striving toward the same goal, giving our children the tools that they will need to be successful.

The students I have for reading, we are using SRA Decoding to help them build their decoding and comprehension skills.  The students that need assistance one on one for math are receiving help with building their math fact knowledge and applying concepts that were taught in math class with one on one attention.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at 618-942-4484 or my email address is

February 18, 2013


Feb. 18th-President's Day, no school


We are over half way through the school year and small group reading is still going strong with K-2.  They are using AR to build fluency and comprehension, even some of our Kindergartners are using AR.

My kids are progressing in their SRA books which focuses on decoding, helps build comprehension and fluency. 

Math Class----

We are working on fractions.

 Homework for the week of February 10th.....
Monday          No School
Tuesday         pg. 290                  #1-31
Wednesday   pg. 292                  #1-21
Thursday       Chapter 8 Test
Friday            Workbook              pgs. 107-108

Study Skills

We are continuing to work on organization, prioritizing and task completion.  This is very hard for some kids in all grades but it seems especially difficult in the Junior High.  Their bodies are growing and changing so quickly, their brains our having a hard time keeping up.  Please help reinforce the use of their agenda and their folders for keeping handouts and homework safe.  

One on one classes (Pre-K through 8)

These classes are structured to meet the needs of the individual students.  The needs of the students dictate what takes place in my classroom.  Some students need to work on their reading skills.  Some need to work on comprehension skills such as inferences while others may need more help on understanding cause and effect.  Some students need help on their writing skills.  Some students may need additional assistance in their math.  

 These one on one classes are designed to give the student what they need in an environment with one on one attention and less distractions.  If you ever have any questions about what I am working on with your child or what additional attention they need to be all they can be, never hesitate to ask.  We are all striving toward the same goal, giving our children the tools that they will need to be successful.  

The students I have for reading, we are using SRA Decoding to help them build their decoding and comprehension skills.  The students that need assistance one on one for math are receiving help with building their math fact knowledge and applying concepts that were taught in math class with one on one attention.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at 618-942-4484 or my email address is

February 10, 2013



-----12th-Mardi Gras

-----13th-Ash Wednesday

-----14th-Valentine's Day


Our small groups are continuing to work on a variety of reading skills.  

A site I found online recently is We Give Books.  It is free to join and your young reader can read books online.  He or she can read books like A Snowy Day, the Skippy John Jones books and many more.  I would encourage you to check it out. 


Math Class----

We are working on fractions.



 Homework for the week of February 10th.....
Monday          Workbook             8-5
Tuesday         Workbook             8-6
Wednesday   pg.
Thursday       Workbook              8-8
Friday            Workbook              8-9

 Study Skills

We are continuing to work on organization, prioritizing and task completion.  We seem to be working on Math, Social Studies and Science currently.  

One on one classes (Pre-K through 8)

These classes are structured to meet the needs of the individual students.  The needs of the students dictate what takes place in my classroom.  Some students need to work on their reading skills.  Some need to work on comprehension skills such as inferences while others may need more help on understanding cause and effect.  Some students need help on their writing skills.  Some students may need additional assistance in their math.  

 These one on one classes are designed to give the student what they need in an environment with one on one attention and less distractions.  If you ever have any questions about what I am working on with your child or what additional attention they need to be all they can be, never hesitate to ask.  We are all striving toward the same goal, giving our children the tools that they will need to be successful.  

The students I have for reading, we are using SRA Decoding to help them build their decoding and comprehension skills.  The students that need assistance one on one for math are receiving help with building their math fact knowledge and applying concepts that were taught in math class with one on one attention.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at 618-942-4484 or my email address is

February 4, 2013

Once again, let me apologize for my time away. RTI has kept me pretty busy.  If all goes well, that should be wrapped up this week.  

-----4th-2pm dismissal, free dress
-----12th-Mardi Gras
-----13th-Ash Wednesday


Our small groups are continuing to work on a variety of reading skills along with working on their fluency.  

An easy way to work on fluency at home is just to let your child read to you.  They can read a book but it doesn't have to be a book.  They can read directions to recipe,  the back of a bottle of dish washing detergent, signs on the side of the road, or anything else.

Math Class----

Homework for the week of February 4th.....

Monday          pg. 234                   #1-29
Tuesday         pg. 237-238          #1-22
Wednesday   Chapter 6 Test
Thursday       pg. 268-269          #1-19
Friday             pg. 274-275         # 1-65

Study Skills

We are continuing to work on organization, such as bring all our materials that we need to class.  We are also working on prioritizing assignments.  We seem to be working on Math, Social Studies and Science currently.  

One on one classes (Pre-K through 8)

These classes are structured to meet the needs of the individual students.  The needs of the students dictate what takes place in my classroom.  Some students need to work on their reading fluency.  Some need to work on comprehension skills such as inferences while others may need more help on understanding cause and effect.  Some students need help on their writing skills.  Some students may need additional assistance in their math.  

These one on one classes are designed to give the student what they need in an environment with one on one attention and less distractions.  If you ever have any questions about what I am working on with your child or what additional attention they need to be all they can be, never hesitate to ask.  We are all striving toward the same goal, giving our children the tools that they will need to be successful.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at 618-942-4484 or my email address is

January 3, 2013

I want to apologize for my time away.  As with most of us, time sometimes gets away from us.

Reminders for January...

--7th is a free dress day and a 2pm dismissal
--7th RTI begins
--21st is Martin Luther King day, no school
--25th is an 11am dismissal
--27th begins Catholic Schools Week!!!!!

RTI (Response to Intervention) begins January 7th!

            We will begin our 2nd of 3 benchmarks for the year on  January 7th.  This is to check the growth and progress of all our students.  Once the assessment is complete, we will review the results.  The results will help us identify any students that may need a little something extra to continue to have a successful educational journey.  That "little something extra" that students may need might be something as little as extra practice, maybe they need more help in understanding the instruction or it may help us see that we have students that need more enrichment to keep the creative juices flowing.
         We will be assessing everyone on their reading skills and then 2nd - 8th will be assessed on their math skills.
         If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Homework for the week of January 7th.....

Monday          pg. 206-207          # 1-21
Tuesday         pg. 208-209          # 1-21
Wednesday   pg. 211                   # 1-23
Thursday       pg. 213                   #1-22
Friday             pg. 215                  # 1-32

Equivalent measurement quiz on Friday dealing with inches, feet, yards, and miles.

Study Skills

We are continuing to work on organization.  We are also working on prioritizing assignments.  We seem to be working on Math and Science currently.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at 618-942-4484 or my email address is

November 9, 2012

--November 15th is spirit day!
--November 19th is the school committee meeting
--November 20th is the school board meeting
--November 21st is an 11:00am dismissal
--November 22nd**HAPPY THANKSGIVING!**

--November 15th-20th, I will be conducting reading checks and math checks on those children that we just want to make sure are progressing.


Small groups are working on fluency and comprehension skills.  There are comprehension strategies that can be worked on outside of the classroom such as talking to your student about what they are reading, where it takes place, when it takes place, who are the characters, what would you do if you were in the story?  This helps the student to understand the story, gives the story meaning, and helps build communication skills as well.

Something else to have your child do at home, instead of reading a book with them or having them read a book to you, what about a magazine article, a newspaper article, even a article from the internet that your child is interested in.  As long as their reading, that's what matters.


Homework for the week of November 12th.....

Monday          workbook               pg. 51
Tuesday         pg. 158                  #1-36
Wednesday   pg. 160                  #1-30
Thursday       Chapter 4 Test      post-phoned due to illinesses
Friday             pg. 164-165          # 1-46

Study Skills

We are continuing to work on organization, such as bring all our materials that we need to class.  We are also working on prioritizing assignments.  We seem to be working on Math and Social Studies currently.  

We are also working on how to build our own study guide.

One on one classes (Pre-K through 8)

These classes are structured to meet the needs of the individual students.  The needs of the students dictate what takes place in my classroom.  Some students need help on identifying letters and their corresponding sounds.  Some students need to work on their HFW (high frequency words).  Some students need to work on their reading fluency.  Some need to work on comprehension skills such as inferences while others may need more help on understanding cause and effect.  Some students need help on their writing skills.  Some students may just need to learn their math facts while other students need to understand WHY 13 x 4 = 52.  

These one on one classes are designed to give the student what they need in an environment with one on one attention and less distractions.  If you ever have any questions about what I am working on with your child or what additional attention they need to be all they can be, never hesitate to ask.  We are all striving toward the same goal, giving our children the tools that they will need to be successful.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at 618-942-4484 or my email address is

November 5, 2012

--Parent-teacher conferences are November 5th.  I would encourage all parents to touch base with your child's teachers to ask about what your child is learning, how to help your child at home and to tell us, the teachers, how it is going at home with homework and such. Anyone who would like to meet with me is welcome to make an appointment anytime, that is convenient for you.  

--White Out t-shirt days are Monday and Thursday.


Small groups are working on fluency and comprehension skills.  There are comprehension strategies that can be worked on outside of the classroom such as talking to your student about what they are reading, where it takes place, when it takes place, who are the characters, what would you do if you were in the story?  This helps the student to understand the story, give the story meaning, and helps build communication skills as well.


Homework for the week of November 5th.....

Monday          pg. 149                  #1-26
Tuesday         pg. 153                  #1-26
Wednesday   Work book             pg. 50
Thursday       Workbook              pgs. 51-52
Friday             pg. 158                  # 1-36

Expect a test over chapter 4 on Tuesday!

Study Skills

We are continuing to work on organization, such as bring all our materials that we need to class.  We are also working on prioritizing assignments.  We seem to be working on Math and Spelling currently.

One on one classes (Pre-K through 8)

These classes are structured to meet the needs of the individual students.  The needs of the students dictate what takes place in my classroom.  Some students need help on identifying letters and their corresponding sounds.  Some students need to work on their HFW (high frequency words).  Some students need to work on their reading fluency.  Some need to work on comprehension skills such as inferences while others may need more help on understanding cause and effect.  Some students need help on their writing skills.  Some students may just need to learn their math facts while other students need to understand WHY 13 x 4 = 52.  

These one on one classes are designed to give the student what they need in an environment with one on one attention and less distractions.  If you ever have any questions about what I am working on with your child or what additional attention they need to be all they can be, never hesitate to ask.  We are all striving toward the same goal, giving our children the tools that they will need to be successful.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at 618-942-4484 or my email address is

October 29, 2012

--Parent-teacher conferences are October 29th and November 5th.  I would encourage all parents to touch base with your child's teachers to ask about what your child is learning, how to help your child at home and to tell us, the teachers, how it is going at home with homework and such. Anyone who would like to meet with me is welcome to make an appointment anytime, before, on or after the 29th, whatever is convenient for you.  
--Tuesday, October 30 is spirit day
--Happy Holloween, 8th grade go to Camp Ondessonk
--Thursday, November 1st is All Saints Day, Market Day orders are due
--Friday, November 2nd is All Souls Day


Small groups in K-2 are working on sight words and high frequency words.  If you would have an ipad, iphone or a ipod touch, there are some very good free apps on practicing high frequency or sight words out there if you would like to take advantage of some of them.  Also, if you need a need a list of high frequency words/sight words, I will be happy to send one home to you, just let me know.  All reading groups are working on reading for fluency and building comprehension skills.


* There is a vocabulary quiz on Friday, November 2nd.

Homework for the week of October 29th.....

Monday          pg. 140                  #1-34
Tuesday         pg. 144-145          #1-38
Wednesday   pg. 146-147          # 1-39
Thursday       pg. 149                  #1-26
Friday             pg. 151                 # 1-30

Study Skills

We are continuing to work on organization, such as bring all our materials that we need to class.  We are also working on prioritizing assignments.  We seem to be working on Math and Social Studies more at this time.

One on one classes (Pre-K through 8)

These classes are structured to meet the needs of the individual students.  The needs of the students dictate what takes place in my classroom.  Some students need help on identifying letters and their corresponding sounds.  Some students need to work on their HFW (high frequency words).  Some students need to work on their reading fluency.  Some need to work on comprehension skills such as inferences while others may need more help on understanding cause and effect.  Some students need help on their writing skills.  Some students may just need to learn their math facts while other students need to understand WHY 13 x 4 = 52.  

These one on one classes are designed to give the student what they need in an environment with one on one attention and less distractions.  If you ever have any questions about what I am working on with your child or what additional attention they need to be all they can be, never hesitate to ask.  We are all striving toward the same goal, giving our children the tools that they will need to be successful.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at 618-942-4484 or my email address is

October 12, 2012

Congrats to the girls softball team on their state championship win!!!!!  Way To Go!!!!!!!


October 15th is the school committee meeting at 6:30.  I invite all of you to attend.  

11 a.m. dismissal Friday, October 19th for a teacher in-service day.

Parent-teacher conferences are October 29th.  Anyone who would like to meet with me is welcome to make an appointment anytime, before, on or after the 29th, whatever is convenient for you.


Small groups are working on their reading fluency along with comprehension skills.  We are also working with the students on building their knowledge of high frequency words.  These are words that the students read most often.


Homework for the week of October 15th.....

Monday          pg. 120           #1-28
Tuesday         pg. 122          #1-20
Wednesday   Chapter 3 Test----no homework
Thursday       pg.  133          #1-36
Friday             earlier dismissal

Study Skills

We are continuing to work on task completion and prioritization.  We are also working on how to build study guides that work in preparing for a test.

One on one classes

These students are doing a great job.  They are participating and making progress.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at 618-942-4484 or my email address is

October 5, 2012

WOW!!!!!  It's been awhile!!!!  I apologize for not touching base sooner.  RTI assessments are completed.  Now comes the task of correlating all the information.  ITBS has been completed.  Someone else gets to correlate all that information.

Congrats to the girls on heading to state Monday!  Good Luck!!!!

     There is no school Monday.  It is Columbus Day.
     Wednesday is Market Day pickup and 1st grade Girl Scout meeting

Small group are still meeting and working on strategies.  

     Homework week of October 8th
          Tuesday, pg. 105
          Wednesday, pg. 108-109
          Thursday, pg. 113
          Friday, pg. 114-115


Study Skills----
     We are continuing task management and completion strategies.  We are continuing to support/reinforce the information that is learned in the classroom.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me at 618-942-4484 or my email address is

September 4, 2012

Can you believe another week of school has come and gone?  WOW!!!!

Reminders for this week:

We dismiss at 3pm.  RTI begins this week.

Small groups will continue to meet and work on reading strategies.


    Class----Remember to come prepared for class and prepared to work.
            Things coming up....Since class did not meet on Friday, Vocab Quiz is today.
                  Homework to be assigned this week----

                                          Tuesday----pg. 64
                                          Thursday----pg. 65
                                           Friday----Test over Chap. 1

Study Skills
Class is going well.  We worked on how to take notes and how to find information in the text book.

This begins today.


August 24, 2012

We have had an awesome 1st whole week of school!!!!!

Reminders for next week:

We will be dismissing at 2pm Monday - Thursday and on Friday we have an 11:00 dismissal.

Small groups began this week and are going well.  We have focused on fluency and making connections which is a comprehension strategy.  

    Class----Remember to come prepared for class and prepared to work.
            Things coming up....Friday, August 31st, is the vocabulary quiz
                  Homework to be assigned next week----
                        Monday------Lesson 1-9, #1-28
                        Tuesday------Lesson 1-11 and workbook pg. 11
                        Wednesday---Lesson 1-13, #1-14
                        Thursday-----pg. 62
                        Friday--------pg. 64

Study Skills
Class is going well and everyone is working hard on not just getting things done but getting them done right!

Individual Classes
These classes are going well too.  Everyone is working hard!  If you have questions about how your child is doing, don't hesitate to contact me.

This begins when we get back on September 4th.

August 13, 2013


I hope you have had a wonderful summer!  I am excited about this school year!

I wanted to let you know that reading groups will begin next week for K-2nd grade.  They will generally take place in the morning.  These groups will focus on building reading and comprehension skills.

Homework will need to be turned in upon arrival.
Math vocabulary will need to be recorded in the math vocabulary journal that was given to each student.  

There will be a math vocabulary quiz every Friday based on the vocabulary in the journal.

Small groups will begin next week.  Small group work is designed for reinforcement and obtaining skill mastery of concepts.

Study Skills----
This class is designed to help students complete homework and reinforce new skills learned in the classroom.  Students in this class will also learn organizational skills and study/note-taking strategies.

Each student will receive participation points for filling out their student planner and participating in class.

Individual classes----
These classes are designed to teach, reteach or reinforce skills that are necessary in order for the student to be successful.

These classes will begin next week as well.

RTI (Response to Intervention)----

            Every child is unique.  Every child learns differently.  Every student behaves differently.  Different children need different academic and behavior strategies for success.  In order to meet the needs of all our students, we have implemented three tiers of support. 
The tiers will be identified through RTI (Response to Intervention) assessments.  In the first tier, classroom teachers use strategies and materials for students to gain skills or knowledge.  In the second tier, we use interventions for students who may need some additional help in order to understand the skills and knowledge being taught.  For students who still experience difficulty, there is a third tier that provides even more intensive academic support such as one on one instruction in a separate learning environment.  The student is monitored to ensure that the research based interventions are successful.  We may alter the schedules of students to ensure that their needs are met.  
We will begin RTI assessments September 4 for grades K - 7th. Your child’s success is important to us.  We want to ensure effective learning so that your child will have a positive and engaging learning experience. 
The goal is to promote lifelong learners.  We are happy to have your child or children here and look forward to a great school year.
